Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Who We Are 

Central Idea: Our personal choices impact ourselves and may affect others. 

In 2nd grade words: The things we choose to do or say may change us and others in a positive or negative way. 

Espanol:  Nuestras decisiones personales impacten en nosotros mismos y afectan a los demas. 

Here are some cool links!

My Plate
Click here for My Plate Kids' Place - games, videos, songs, recipes and more!

Super Crew for Kids
The Super Crew gets super powers from their favorite color healthy foods. Learn how their awesome super powers and how you can be a Super Kid too!

The Skeleton Dance
Dem bones dem bones dem dancing bones....

Kids Health
How the body works

Body Parts
Learning games


Math Score
Username is first name and first two initials of last name Example-(nicolewi)
Password is initials and wps Example-(nwwps)

Challenge yourself!

Math Magic

Crack Hackers Safe

Meet Paul Pattern

Guess My Button

Number Patterns

Pattern Sing-a-long

Give the Dog a Bone

Make Change

Cool Math for Kids


Logins are the same as last year for existing students.
New students have username: first name + first two letters of last name
Password: initials + wps + the number 1